Artificial teeth, commonly known as dentures, might be a good option if you are currently struggling with confidence because of your smile. They are also a great option if you experience a speech impairment due to missing teeth.
A fake set of teeth may be a good option over single replacement implants if you know you need to get many of your natural teeth extracted, depending on the amount and the condition of the rest of your teeth. We can assess your need for dentures at Lovett Dental Northside.
Why Should You Consider Dentures?
With most artificial teeth, you will be able to enjoy most of your favorite foods still. Plus, you will not need to worry about speech impairment affecting your daily interactions.
Technology has come a long way concerning artificial teeth replacement, particularly dentures. Rest assured that the image in your head about your grandparents’ fake teeth will not be your reality.
We understand that many people fear artificial teeth. However, advancements in materials science, technology, and increased knowledge have made the pain a thing of the past. Our team will make sure you are knowledgeable about what to expect by teaching you how we assess and design artificial teeth today.
To get properly fitting artificial teeth, dentists take molds digitally. The process is similar to taking a 3-D image. In the old days, artificial teeth required a plaster mold of your jaw. Digital molds are more comfortable for you and allow your periodontist and the dental team to work much more efficiently, so you spend less time in the chair.
Getting artificial teeth can help you transition back to normal. You will be able to go back to living your life to its fullest in no time and with the utmost confidence.
Different Types of Artificial Teeth to Consider
When you are considering artificial teeth, it is important to know that they are not a one size fits all solution. You have a variety of options to choose from. The first, conventional, is a complete set of artificial teeth that most people are familiar with. They get created after all teeth have been completely removed and the jaw has had time to heal. Immediate complete artificial teeth are similar to conventional complete sets. The difference is that you will leave the dentist’s office with these the same day you have all the teeth extracted. These will require some adjustments as your jaw heals.
An implant-supported denture set is a permanent implant and functions much like a rooted tooth. You also might prefer a removable partial when you only need a few extracted teeth filled. It functions much like a retainer but with teeth to fill in your smile.
It does not matter which type of artificial teeth you may be leaning towards. Your periodontist and the dental team will be able to help you choose the best option for your budget and lifestyle.
Why Should You Choose Lovett Dental Northside For Your Dentures?
We have board-certified periodontists to assess the gums and other dental practitioners’ integrity to work closely alongside. Lovett Dental Northside has a complete team of dental professionals who ensure that every aspect of your experience gets managed in-house.
Getting artificial teeth should be an easy process that alters your life for the better. This is something that we are certain of, and we will be happy to help you reach that goal. You can also take advantage of our regular and cosmetic dental services, such as:
You can contact Lovett Dental Northside staff at 713-691-5551, or contact us online today to further discuss your needs, or you can schedule a consultation appointment online.